Saturday, September 11, 2010

The lucky winner of our Friday’s door prize drawing for our Shop Hop is Melissa Leonard of Watauga, TX. Congratulations Melissa on your $50 store gift certificate.

Today is our final day of our “Rock Around the Block” Shop Hop. We will be here until 8:00 pm tonight, so come visit us.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The winner of our door prize drawing on Thursday, 9/9/10, for our Shop Hop was LuAnn Shields. Congratulations LuAnn on your $50.00 store gift certificate.

Lots more "Rocking around the Block" today here at Kaleidoscope Shop. Join us for shopping, 50's music, 50's fashion, and even visit Whitesboro's new 50's style soda fountain inside Lovejoy's on Main Street.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We are having lots of fun "Rocking around the Block (Shop)" today at our 50's themed Shop Hop. Come visit us from Thursday - Saturday, September 9-11, from 9am - 8pm. Wear your 50's clothing and celebrate with us, then go to Lovejoy's for a malt. Hope to see you here.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Don't forget to join us for our North Texas Quilt Shop Hop on September 9-11th. Whether you are doing the Shop Hop, or just want to visit us during our EXTENDED HOURS, stop by. Our hours will be 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Thursday - Saturday.